Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Important work

Reading caregiving stories today. Makes my situation look like a walk in the park. Seriously. People are amazing, what they do for their loved ones.
One writer describes caregiving as a spiritual journey. Of course it is a journey of healing and enlightenment if we allow it.
It is also all those things we tell ourselves to assuage our angers and resentments and frustrations in the midst of it.
Few of us are so enlightened that we live in the joy of the moment while dealing with the details of caring for an aging parent, or anyone else we may have to care for, including a small child. It's all about caring for another person, throughout our lives.
Isn't that what gives it meaning?
But caregiving a person you once knew as a different person, with a myriad of needs that we could only have imagined?
I remind myself that it's not just caregiving that's a spiritual journey. It's all of life - of course.
And, living in the moment of whatever is handed to us.
The most important work we'll ever do. All of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Do you remember me? I thought I would contact you and tell you how you were right in what you said to me once. I am sorry now that I couldn't hear you and just got offended.

Here is my email if you would like to emial me.
Elizabeth Meyer