Sunday, July 18, 2010


This morning I ate a breakfast of lightly sauteed carrots, onions, beets, zucchini and basil. Maybe a weird breakfast, but last night we ate a delicious feast prepared by friend Paul that had my tummy not happy in the night. (Sorry, Paul, but I'm a lightweight when it comes to rich food--but it was a wonderful meal.) So, my vegetable breakfast that came directly from the garden into the pan was supposed to help my tummy settle down.

Ben and I went out this morning and worked for awhile in the garden before it got hot. I gave the tomato plants a a wheelbarrow load of cuttings. Ben cut the wire cages out from inside the new wood cages he built.  We have green tomatoes, finally. They'll be ripe soon. We have seven tomato plants, but two don't have flowers. They are the ones who aren't in the direct sun.

A sunflower finally bloomed, the sweet peas are lovely and remind me of my grandmother. I located the sugar snap peas...a small section I had forgotten I planted. I will dry some and plant a fall crop in August.

Pulled up the spinach that had gone to seed. Ben will add more drippers and I'll plant carrots or beets...something good that will last. My gardening partner doesn't like beets, but husband Norm does. I like them sauteed with onion, the way Norm prepares them.

We've been eating potatoes...just digging them up and eating. They are small, but tasty, right out of the bed.

The onions are the talk of the town. Walla Wallas the size of softballs. The smaller white onions are great for sauteeing, like I did this morning.

Carrot thinnings are succulent, as are the leeks. Peas are about done, but harvested a bag full yesterday that I will freeze for soups.

Cantaloupe have bloomed. Hope for similar to last year.

Zucchini is small, partly because the plants are crowded. I pulled one out this morning to make more room. The yellow squash is okay, but they seem to shrivel on the vine. Had two last night, however.


Bachelor button

Walla Walla onions

Sweet Pea

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