Thursday, June 17, 2010

Disclaimer and Comments

Anyone who reads this blog with any consistency will realize that I repeat myself--especially the theme of the "interminable wait," and my "evil thoughts," the title of the last post, and theme of others.
No apologies. It is as it is. As I said in the new page, "About," it's part therapy.
So be it.

Few people comment on the blog, but some comment in an email, which I will start reposting (unless I receive notice that you don't want to be in public print) because I love the comments. Comments keep a blogger blogging--a writer writing.  It's like giving an addict a drink/snort/ or whatever it is you give an addict, except that writing can be a healthy addiction unless it is used to harm.

Each day I aspire to be more authentic and honest in my writing, not seeking to harm, but to enlighten, if not others, myself. As Sue Monk Kidd said (there I go repeating myself again), "The hardest thing about being a writer is telling the truth." The hardest thing about sharing hard truths is worrying whether or not you will offend someone.

Not an hour after I wrote on the "About" page that I did not want to embarrass my mother or my family, but needed to tell the truth, my sister/friend, Sue, wrote this:

i just got done reading a lot of your blog stuff and i just wanted to let you know that i love you.
your sensitivity, and honesty are refreshing and so meaningful to me.
i miss you so much and admire you for recording everything that you are recording.
you are a blessing to all of us. our children, our friends and probably most importantly for me and our grandchildren.
thank you for being.
i love you,

 Thanks, Sue.

Jay and Joy. I will never again delete a comment. I promise.


JoyRainbow said...

Or a posting?

I totally understand the addiction to comments on a blog, it is totally the little piece of chocolate that keeps you writing and posting. It might just be a #4 thing, though :)

Martha Goudey said...

Possible it's a #4 thing. But I think writers need to know least one person is reading what they write, or why do it....unless you're just keeping a journal.
Sue's comment was especially meaningful because I had just been thinking about my family reading my blog, almost hoping they didn't, but secretly wanting them to, thinking that if they did I didn't want to offend or hurt feelings or slander.
Writing is hell (especially when your paranoid).

Martha Goudey said...

Correction: you're